HIGHLIGHTS – April 2018 Under 5 Minute Festival






Watch the Audience FEEDBACK Videos:

festival posterYOURS FAITHFULLY EDNA WELTHORPE (MRS), UK, Animation/Comedy

festival posterVOWS, 4min., USA, LGBT/Animation

festival posterA LETTER FROM LETICIA, 3min., Argentina, Animation

festival posterDAUGHTER, 3min., Canada, Drama/Family

festival posterMILE, 1min., USA, Drama

festival posterTRAIN, 3min., Israel, Animation/Music Video

festival posterWINE AND EGGS, 5min., Turkey, Drama

festival posterORNAMENT OF BEAUTY, USA, Thriller/Fantasy

The theme of the LGBT/Under 5 Minute FEEDBACK Film Festival was “Finding Identity”. Every single film shown was about this overriding thematic.

The MVP of the festival was the Toronto audience. This wasn’t the greatest week for the Greater Toronto Area as someone decided to rent a van and run over people on a sidewalk in a busy intersection. This became a world story as there were many casualties and major injuries. Perhaps one of the saddest events in Toronto history.

#TorontoStrong became the hashtag. You can still google this and learn more about the victim and how to donate.

Less than 72 hours after this horrific event this festival took place. And it was a sold out event. We were all in our healing stages and wouldn’t let this situation stop us.

This was a festival to bring Torontians together and to be entertained by these films. And to talk about storytelling and movies – something we all have in common.

A festival that will be remembered for years to come for many reasons. Thank you Toronto! Let’s stay strong, move forward, and learn from horrible situations like these.

See you at the festivals.

– Matthew Toffolo

By under5minutefilmfestival

The quarterly festival that focuses on the greatest under 5 minute short films from around the world. Films get showcased at the FEEDBACK Film Festival and receive an audience moderation video on their short.

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